Friday, September 3, 2010

Causes of Eyelash Loss

Eyelash loss may not be the most common kind of hair loss, but Eyelash Loss can still be a stressful issue. Eyelashes are defiantly thought about a sign of beauty in most cultures, so that cosmetic companies have whole lines of eyelash products. Lashes are, as has been proven, large business.
The thinning or loss of lashes can come because of plenty of factors, including improper care, allergic reaction & disease. If the loss is minor, you may be able to discover the issue yourself. If the eyelash loss is extreme or sudden, it may be best to contact your doctor.

 * Age can basically cause slight eyelash loss. As you age hair all over your body looses width, strength & color. This natural method can happen to your eyelashes the exact same way it happens to the hair on your head.

 * Allergies can sometimes cause eyelash loss. If your eyes are irritated as well as experiencing eyelash loss, it is time to cease using any beauty products on your eyes. This means forgoing mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner or any other cosmetic that may rub onto your eyelashes until the issue has been identified.

 * Alopcia areata is a medical condition where your body's immune process starts attacking your hair follicles, causing hair loss. This issue will affect hair on your whole body, not your eyelashes.

 * Blepharitis is a specific type of repeating infection that may cause eyelash loss. It causes swelling & itching on the eyelid due to excessive bacteria growth in small oil glands. This won't cause general hair loss, but it will cause loss of eyelashes, if it goes untreated.

 * Demodex folliculorum is a kind of mite than exists naturally in skin pores & hair follicles. An excess collection of these mites in a single follicle may cause the hair to fall out, delicate hair, such as eyelashes.

 * General infection can swell the eyelid, sometimes forcing the eyelash to fall out. An infection in the eyelid can be caused by a variety of reasons, so it is best to consult a doctor in case you suspect any type of eye infection.

 * Hypothyroidism can mean an overactive or underactive thyroid. Either way, it may cause areas of hair to narrow or fall out, including your eyelashes.

 * Improper care may cause your eyelashes to be plain unhealthy. Unhealthy means dry, brittle & liable to breakage. Using harsh cosmetics or forgetting to remove your eye makeup before bed may cause your eyelashes to basically become damaged, & thus they break or fall out.

 * Poor diet is always a feasible cause for general hair thinning or hair loss. Eyelash loss can be due to a mildly poor diet that weakens the hair to something as serious as bulimia, which wreaks havoc on the whole body.

 * Trauma to the eyelid can result is loss of eyelashes. Trauma includes something as daft as accidentally ripping the eyelashes out to something as serious as burning the eyelashes off. Usually, though, eyelash trauma means the eye was being repeatedly rubbed & scratched until Eyelash Loss was inadvertently pulled loose.

1 comment:

  1. As young as about 7 years old i remember people remarking on my lack of eyelashes. i hate the "tired, bored, stupid look" it imparts. Later, Prue Acton had marketed a wonderful mascara wĥich i used sparingly; it attached to the "stubs" and made me look normal; and stopped the disobliging remarks. It was soon removed from the market by ophthalmologists. I wish it would be available again.
